Restaurant chain Cafe Coffee Day (CCD) on Friday said it plans to almost double the number of outlets it operates in India to around 2,000 by the end of 2014. A division of the Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company (ABCTCL), Cafe Coffee Day currently operates 1,185 outlets in India across three formats — lounges, cafes and kiosks. It looks to add about 815 new outlets in the next threeand-a-half years.
“The company has a plan to aggressively expand the number of outlets it operates to 2,000 cafes by the end of 2014,” Cafe Coffee Day president (marketing) K Ramakrishnan said. The growth of outlets will be across formats. Lounges are the latest and recent format introduced by the company, he added. The firm operates 20 CCD lounges across India, which will go up to 100 in the next two years, Mr Ramakrishnan added. He, however, did not disclose investment, revenue and profitability numbers, stating the company was privately held.
As per the company’s website, ABCTCL has Asia’s second largest network of coffee estates (10,500 acres).
“The company has a plan to aggressively expand the number of outlets it operates to 2,000 cafes by the end of 2014,” Cafe Coffee Day president (marketing) K Ramakrishnan said. The growth of outlets will be across formats. Lounges are the latest and recent format introduced by the company, he added. The firm operates 20 CCD lounges across India, which will go up to 100 in the next two years, Mr Ramakrishnan added. He, however, did not disclose investment, revenue and profitability numbers, stating the company was privately held.
As per the company’s website, ABCTCL has Asia’s second largest network of coffee estates (10,500 acres).
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